Sunday, December 20, 2009

Book Review - Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain

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This book is a fantastic way to get more creative - not just about learning to draw but to see whatever you're creating in a more meaningful way. A big part of any creative enterprise, from drawing to photography to writing a screenplay, is to get at the feelings about the subject - not just create an accurate representation. This book taught me more in a few lessons that 20 years of reading dozens of other books and looking at art.

You don't have to a be "talented sketch artist" to get going on the exercises in this book - just a willingness to do the exercises. I'm a photographer, and can draw a little. But I'm nothing compared to most artists who use pencils and pens. However, I still got so much out of this book and doing the exercises and have been able to push my photography even further because of it. So, yeah, by now you've probably guessed I highly recommend this to anyone who is pursing a creative career or just a creative life.